Autarch Jade of Craftworld Iybraesil
written by Daniel

As military commander of the strike force on Jenys-S II, Jade has been tasked with three objectives:

1) secure the xenotech known as the Life Generator,
2) incite a full-scale war between the mon-keigh and the ruinous powers on Jenys-S II,
3) and escape with the Life Generator and leave no trail to be followed. This type of ginfiltrate and disrupt missionh is exactly what the ancient warrior Jade has excelled at his entire military career.

He has eradicated mon-keigh colonies and several maiden worlds, incited civil wars on mon-keigh, Ork and even Tau controlled worlds, and has always been able to slip away undetected with no fear of reprisal attacks.

On Jenys-S, Autarch Jade managed to infiltrate and land a sizeable force without being detected.
But the second phase of his plan went horribly awry when great swarms of Tyranids suddenly attacked his forces, forcing him to withdraw from Eaden Hive.

Despite the loss of hundreds of brave and noble warriors, the supreme tactician Jade has already started to use this turn of events to his favour by directing mon-keigh and Chaos forces into zones overrun with Tyranids and vice versa.

But how long can he have the Great Devourer fight his battles for him and what happens when the mon-keigh discover this strategy?
And the ultimate question that keeps repeating in the Autarch`s mind is:
Are the losses of so many noble Eldar worth securing this mysterious device?